HIST 814: Methods Seminar
Fall 2024: HIST 814 is the entry-course for students matriculating into the graduate program in the SFU History Department. Given the contingencies of enrollment in SFU's graduate program, the challenge of this course is to balance the development of conceptual frameworks that enable scholars to converse across diverse periods, geographic settings, and themes with developing specific fields and subjects for individual programs. The professor will contact students once they have enrolled in 814 to gain a sense of previous readings and areas of interest. There will be several common readings, several thematic-linked individual readings, and a lot of early work on writing. Stay tuned.
Topics: We make it up as we go
Course Prerequisites
Acceptance into the MA or PhD program in SFU's History Department
Required Texts
Priya Satia, Time's Monster: How History Makes History (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020)
Michel-Rolph Trouillot, Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History (Boston: Beacon, 1995)
Greg Dening, Islands and Beaches. Discourse on a Silent Land: Marquesas, 1774-1880 (Belmont: Dorsey Press, 1988)
Three books TBD
Course Evaluation
Weekly Precis Paper 30%
Weekly Discussions 30%
Term Paper 40%
Topics: We make it up as we go
Course Prerequisites
Acceptance into the MA or PhD program in SFU's History Department
Required Texts
Priya Satia, Time's Monster: How History Makes History (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020)
Michel-Rolph Trouillot, Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History (Boston: Beacon, 1995)
Greg Dening, Islands and Beaches. Discourse on a Silent Land: Marquesas, 1774-1880 (Belmont: Dorsey Press, 1988)
Three books TBD
Course Evaluation
Weekly Precis Paper 30%
Weekly Discussions 30%
Term Paper 40%