In Imagining the Big Open a wide range of scholars deftly examine our projections upon and uses of the New West--a projection that not only includes how we imagine the West but how we use Western places.
"Many of the contributors pay particular attention to how changing historical conditions transformed regional identities and how this led to conflict. The best examples of this type of analysis include Joseph Taylor's dissection of the salmon wars in the Pacific Northwest."
- Pacific Historical Review
"Readers . . . will find Joseph Taylor's article on the historical geography of salmon recovery in the Pacific Northwest . . . particularly rewarding. Taylor persuasively argues that support for salmon restoration is defined by geography."
- Journal
"Many of the contributors pay particular attention to how changing historical conditions transformed regional identities and how this led to conflict. The best examples of this type of analysis include Joseph Taylor's dissection of the salmon wars in the Pacific Northwest."
- Pacific Historical Review
"Readers . . . will find Joseph Taylor's article on the historical geography of salmon recovery in the Pacific Northwest . . . particularly rewarding. Taylor persuasively argues that support for salmon restoration is defined by geography."
- Journal